Thursday 18 December 2008

an email of farewell ......on 11/26

Hi Mr.Q,

It 's time to say goodbye. I am going to San Francisco in this Friday, then I am not sure when I will be back. It is still a question. I really have a good time in this quater of studying. I got a lot of help from people, and made good friends in class. Especially, the friendship with my host family and you are amazing for me. It is a wonderful experience in my life. I will remember it in all time of my life.

I spent a lot of time to hand out with my host family. We had parties in weekends. There is a joke. I come here not only have progressed my language, also have progressed the ability of alcohool. Before coming I had never drunk alcohol. I was so poor about drinking, but now I can drink some more than before. Ha ha even though I am not suposed to progress it.

Then, thanks for spending time to read my emails in the period. I liked to talk something interesting to you, and you were so kind to comment. I was so happy to get your reply every time. In the process, I also progressed my writing potentially, and you would become a good friend too. I am appreciated about all of your help. Well, keep in touch, ok? You also welcome to visit my country, if you have time.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

By Jenny

Saturday 15 November 2008

Hour Hands

Hour hands were dancing on the 12 figures! No matter which number they stopped on, all hit my heart.

I was watching the alarm and considering what time was appropriate to dial.

Hope you would be happy to get my call, hope I didn’t bother you.

In the same time, I guessed what you were doing.
Surfing on Internet, having snack, watching TV, or sleeping?

Sleeping was the answer which I was scaredest.
It meant you were not going to answer the phone call, and I also interrupted your sleeping.

Hour hands were slipping when we were talking. I would order them stop running, but in vain.

Time’s up! I handed up unwillingly.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

a diary on birthday .....Oct 27

I had a really nice birthday party with my host family and neighbors. It would be an unforgotable birthday. I feel I am so lucky in the sweet family, and I am appreciated too.

My host mother asked me I wanted to have dinner in restaurant or at home. I told her we could just have dinner at home. However, we had dessert in a nice shop after dinner with neighbors. We total were 10 people. They sang happy birthday songs twice, and we had a lot of ice cream. We was just talking and laughing. It was a wonderful night.

Our dinner was special too. My host father did his famous mush potato for me. Moreover, my host brother did his famous roast oysters for me too. I was so surprice, because we hadn't had them for a while. And both of them are so delicious, I like so much. Those are really good presents for me.

In the end, I am 26 started from today. It is quite a high pressure for me. I am still a student now. I have a feeling that I am like walking on a cliff. The poem is really from my heart. If you read the poem, you will see.

By Jenny

Monday 10 November 2008

an email to a good friend

Hi Mr.Q,

It sounds you have a good time in Hawaii. I like water sports very much, so I envy you to have much fun there. I am also jealous that you got a nice weather too. It is cloudy and rainy and heavy wind every day. I got a headache on Thursday. Then, I got a cold on Saturday. I felt my silver sound was going to be junk. However, I had a wonderful weekend. I got a lot of stories to tell you. My nice trip and party don’t lose yours. Ha Ha!

First is on Friday night, it is Haley’s birthday party. There were around 20 people or more in the party. We was talking, drinking, dancing, and laughing all night. We also played beer pound, which is necessary in parties. Camille and me, we won the beer pounds, but we still were drunk. We walked like limp. It was so funny. I was also enjoying in the loud music.

There was a Haley’s friend in the party, I don’t remember his name. The guy was so weird. He held hands tightly when he shook hands with us. He shook hands with me totally 3 times in that night. The first time was nice to meet you. The second time was nice to meet you again. The third time was “I got to go, bye, it really nice to meet you.” But I still saw him after 30 minutes. He liked to talk with me, but I didn’t want. He told me his mother was from Taiwan; he told me he went to Taipei in 2005; he also told me his family……….I tried to ran away, but in vain. There was a sentence in my mind “ I don’t want to know anything about your mother!”

Second is on Saturday night, I went to Bellingham with Camille. She invited me to her dormitory. We took train to Bellingham. We miss the earlier train which we wanted to take, so we took the late one. When we arrived her campus, it was about 10:30. Then, we visited her boyfriend’s dormitory. We watched movie there. Camille and me were so tired, we fell in sleep in the movie time. When I woke up, the movie was still playing. Then, I got back Camille’s room first. Oh! My god! This is my first time sleep in boy’s dorm. Boys’ dorms are so crazy. They use the white wall as a big screen to play computer games. And somebody lay on bed cannot raise his arms or legs, or the screen would be covered. They also turn music loudly.

It is so much fun today. Camille took me to visit downtown of Bellingham. We painted a vase made by clay. After painting, it needs to bake, so I will get it on Friday. We painted it so pretty, and we signed names on it. It will be my best souvenir. Then, I was going to take my train on 7:40. Before that, we had some time in coffee shop to have a simple dinner. When I checked the time after dinner, it was 7:30. Oh! My dear! I was going to miss train again! We ran immediately! When we was running we heard the horn of the coming train.
“ I heard the horn, Jenny!” Camille said.
“ I heard too.” I answered.
Then, we saw the train was running on the horizontal way with us. We yelled loudly.
“ Hey! Hold on!”
“ It is always exciting with us! Jenny!” Camille said.

Fortunately, I got the train. We ran 3 minutes on the way, which we are use to spend 10 minutes by walk. It is a crazy night.

When I heard the horn again, I was on the train to Seattle. On that time, I was so sad to separate with Camille. My tear was around in my eyes, and I tried to stop it. Camille and me, we are so match. We cannot stop talking and laughing when we hand out together. We sleep on a bed for single person each weekend, we were still talking until tired. I feel somebody you like when you get together, you can get a lot of fun. No matter where you are, and what you are doing, it is still funny.

By Jenny

Sunday 19 October 2008

Porfile For Events Coordinator

Hi! I am Jenny. I come from Taiwan. Chin-Ling is my Chinese name, it means golden bell. I am an ESL program student in SCCC. I graduated from Chinese Culture University in Taiwan and I majored in Journalism. I have journalistic work experience for 2 years including 1 year as an intern and 1 year with formal status. Then, I changed to work in sales in a furniture shop for 1 year to learn some business practices.

I joined activities energetically in school when I was a university student. I was a member in a campus radio studio. I was a leader in the public relations department and a journalist. In this job I interviewed many important people on campus and with outside companies regarding current issues. There were many events needing to advertise, such as new principles in school and activities of clubs. So attracting cooperated clubs was one of my responsibilities. The radio studio also held some activities to improve listening rates. In our activities we usually needed supporters, and getting resources from companies was one of my responsibilities too. The other work I needed to do well was to build a positive image of the radio studio. I enjoyed my work, and did it well. I did seven things during my term when I was a leader in the public relations department that hadn’t been done before. These things increased the radio programs and the public’s access to the airwaves.

After graduating I worked for a famous broadcasting company in Taiwan. It was a stressful environment, but it gave me good training to be logical. Then I changed to a sales and found I could sell 1/3 of the stores total sales per month for 8 months.

I am glad to be studying at SCCC. It is a varied and culturally progressive school. We have many classmates who are from different countries. They bring different cultures and habits. We may hold some celebration during another other country’s festival, or hold a party to share special meals. I have enough experience as an events coordinator, and I also have the ambition to do the job well. I like to advertise events and create ideas in a group. It is a good chance to improve my ability.

In my opinion, to be a student means not only studying books, we need to join activities and enjoy our life.

The Ashes

Love becomes ashes after burning out the passion.
The ashes was dropping like snow.
I don't wanna pat them down at all.
I'd rather soak in the ashes to feel the warming
attached by burning.
In order to ponder how nice you were.